Q: How do you decide the order of veterans and police officers cases to take on?
A: Veteran and police officer matters are reviewed and, if actionable through our resources, are on a “first-come, first-served basis.” Within the applicants, a top priority is given to any veteran or police officer with a life-threatening or terminal illness or urgent mental health crises. Our next priority is those who are facing immediate homelessness. But we recognize that all situations that cause duress to our veterans and law enforcement members are important so please, if you need our assistance, contact us immediately.
Q: How much do your services cost?
A: There is never a charge for veterans and police officers for our services.
Q: Can I make a donation to the VPAA?
A: The VPAA gratefully accepts donations from anyone EXCEPT from veterans and law enforcement officers whose matters we have accepted. We believe that these veterans and officers have given enough. This is our way of saying “Thank you!”
Q: How are you funded?
A: Our funding comes exclusively from individuals and organizations who recognize and wish to honor the great accomplishments and sacrifices of veterans and police officers.
Q: How can I be a part of the VPAA Volunteer Network?
A: We’re glad you asked! Please call the VPAA at 347-443-1737 and ask to speak with the founder of the Veterans and Police Assistance Agency, Lina Maini. She can also be reached via email at [email protected].
VETERANS: Will a legal case against a private company affect my VA benefits?
No. The VA does not consider any money you may be awarded from a lawsuit, or from a company’s bankruptcy trust fund. The VA’s primary financial concern is that you do not “double-dip” on a benefit.
You cannot receive money from the government twice for the same illness. The VA will consider your financial situation when the benefit for which you are applying is based on your income level, such as a VA Pension. The VA Disability Compensation amount is not based on income level or assets. Any assets acquired through the legal system have no effect on disability benefits.